This year marks the 14th year of SheCamp®!
What a wonderful ride it has been to meet so many amazing women over the years. I feel truly lucky every day to have been able to build a business doing something I love, and interacting daily with all the women who help to make SheCamp® what it is today.
Fourteen years seems like such a long time but at the same time it feels like it has flown by. There's nothing like having the beach and park as your office!
I can't thank my SheCampers enough for all the support, flexibility and perseverance, particularly over the covid years. We not only survived, but thrived during this time by moving the entire timetable on to Zoom and everyone kept up their sessions.
We've all experienced a lot together over the 14 years. Births, deaths, marriages, house moves, job changes, relationship beginnings, relationship endings, PHDs, graduations and more! We have certainly created a supportive fitness community within SheCamp® that wouldn't have been possible without all of the women who attend.
For anyone looking for a welcoming and inclusive outdoor women's fitness group, please reach out for a free trial session! We always love to expand our fitness community and to meet more women in our local community. If you have any problems getting in touch via the Contact page (it's been playing up!) please reach out via email susie@shecamp.com.au and I can give you a call to talk through all things SheCamp®! Here's to many more SheCamp® years yet to come! 😊